The Potter's Homestead Blog

  • Maple Bacon Jam Rolls

    YUP, you heard that right. Bacon. Maple. Rolls. All the good things.  Okay.    YOUR DOUGH: ¾ cup warm milk 2 ¼ teaspoons quick rise or active ...
  • Cinnamon Sourdough Doughnuts

    Folks, I'm going to spare you the introduction you will usually see on a recipe-based blog post. These are amazing. They were completely gone withi...
  • Homegrown Resource Book, Issue 4: WINTER

    All content revolves around living a little more simply. A little more homegrown. This issue has over 120 pages and isn't only for farmers or homesteaders. It's for everyone.
  • 2022 In Review

    ~ 2022 ~ This past year was filled with tremendous growth in every way, and so, doing a recap felt important. Lessons were learned, decisions were ...
  • Rehydrating “Billy” Sourdough Starter

    Tools Glass Jar Small spatula or utensil for mixing  Kitchen scale  Ingredients Dehydrated sourdough starter  Water  Unbleached flour  Day 1...